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uas 9

1.      The notice means that….
a.   the parking lot is only meant for visitors
b.   only people having permission can park their car at the parking lot
c.   the visitors are permitted to leave their vehicle at the parking lot
d.   people must take the parking tickets before entering the parking lot

This text is for  1 to 2

2.      What does the following notice mean?

a.   We  must clean the floor after using.
b.   We must clean the machines when they run.
c.   We may  take  parts of the machines after using.
d.   We must clean the machines before leaving.
3.      Where do we usually find this text?
a.   In garrage
b.   In workshop
c.   In laboratory
d.   In multimedia room

This text is for 4 to 5

Read the text to answer questions 4 and 5.

Dear all of students,
Each of us has different talents, different dreams, and different destinations. We all have the power to make a new tomorrow with great happiness. We, the Senior Class of Campbellsburg High School, invite you to join us on School Anniversary on Friday 1st June 2011 at 06.30 pm at Hamilton Auditorium Campbellsburg, Arizona.
4.      Where will the anniversary be held?
a.   At high school
b.   In the class room
c.   At the school yard
d.   At Hamilton Auditorium
5.      “…invite you to join us…” What does the underlined word mean?
a.   Ask
b.   Force
c.   Tell
d.   Persuade

This text is for 6 to 7

Dear Kartika
Our sincere Congratulations on your success as The Best Washington City Journalist 2009.
This will support you to write more articles.
The manager and staff of
Moonlight Publisher
6.      What does Kartika do? She is a …
a.   Staff
b.   Manager
c.   Journalist
d.   Publisher
7.      The text is written in order to …
a.   congratulate Kartika on her success.
b.   inform people about the best journalist.
c.   tell people to congratulate Kartika.
d.   invite people to come to the Moonlight publisher.
The text is for 8 and 9

To: Mr. Dalton
Sir, your appoinment to see Mr. Charlie is tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. Please be on time. See you tomorrow and don’t forget.


8.      From the text we know that Mr. Dalton will come to see Mr. Charlie ....
a.   in the morning
b.   in the afternoon
c.   in the evening
d.   at night
9.      ‘Please be on time’ This sentence means that you should come....
a.   late
b.   early
c.   hurriedly
d.   punctually

This text is for 10 to 13
ü  2-3 tbsp. Oil
ü  3 potatoes, peeled quatered and fried
ü  1 lb. Chicken, cut into serving service pieces
ü  3 cloves garlic, minced
ü  1 large onion, quartered
ü  1 tbsp. Patis (fish sauce)
ü  3 tbsp. Cury powder
ü  1 cup water
ü  Salt and pepper
ü  1 red bell pepper, cut into big squares
ü   Garlic 1 green bell pepper, cut into big squares
ü  3 celery stalks, cut nto 1-1/2’ long
ü  1 cup coconut milk or evaporated milk
(Cooking Convention Chart)
Cooking Procedures
1.    Pan fry potatoes. Set aside
2.    In the same pan, fry chicken pieces and brown a little
3.    Add garlic and onion. Saute’ for a few minutes until soft.
4.    Pour in patis and season with curry powder, salt and pepper. Stir for 2 minutes.
5.    Add water. Cover and bring to a boil. Lower the heat; add celery, bell peppers and fried potatoes. Simmer for 3 minutes or until half done.
6.    Add milk and stir occasionally. Cook for another 7 minutes( or lesser when using evaporated milk because the liquids will curl)
7.    Remove from heat. Serve hot

10.   What is the purpose of the text
a.   To entertain the reader
b.   To describe chicken curry
c.   To inform what chicken curry is
d.   To tell how to make chicken curry
11.   How many steps do we need to make chicken curry?
a.   4
b.   5
c.   6
d.   7
12.   What should we do right after  frying chicken pieces and brown a little?
a.   Pan fry potatoes. Set aside.
b.   Remove from heat. Serve hot
c.   Add garlic and onion . saute’ for a few minutes until soft.
d.   Pour in patis and season with curry, powder, salt and pepper.
13.   “Add milk and stir occasionally” What does the underlined word mean?
a.   Usually
b.   Upstream
c.   Someday
d.   Sometimes

This text is for 14 to 16

Bunga Land Hotel
The Cozy place to stay
Bunga land hotel with 100 room, is located in the suburban area of  Semarang
The hotel provides the calm and quit of the Suburban area. The ideal location of the hotel makes it a top choice for business travelers.
The hotel has restaurant which serves many kinds of Indonesian and international cuisine.
The hotel has an elegant ballroom, meeting rooms for meeting, conferences, exhibition and weddings.
To make reservation, please call
Bunga Land Hotel at ( 024) 892850 or visit our web site at:  e – mail :

14.   What is the main purpose of the text above?
a.   To entertain the reader.
b.   To describe about Bunga Land Hotel
c.   To provide information about Bunga Land Hotel
d.   To tell the location of the hotel in the sububan area
15.   From the text we know that ….
a.   The hotel is located in the town
b.   You can make reservation by phone
c.   The restaurant serves Indonesian cuisine only
d.   There is no ballroom in this hotel
16.   “ … serves many kinds of international cuisine.”
The underlined word means …
a.   cruise                         
b.   food                                         
c.   drink               
d.   souvenirs
This text is for 17 to 18

Those who have finished with the experiment please clean the microscopes and put them back in their boxes.
Thank you

17.   What is the announcement about?
a.   Information while doing experiment
b.   Direction before cleaning the boxes
c.   Instruction after using microscopes
d.   Step before doing experiment
18.   When do the students have to put the microscope back in the boxes?
a.   During the experiment
b.   While cleaning them
c.   Before the experiment
d.   After cleaning them

Read the letter below and answer the questions no  19 to 21!

Dear Emilia Augustine,
         How are you doing? Remember me? We met at ‘Amutzer Primate Museum” in Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta last holiday. I am really glad that chose my country to spend your  vacation. Sorry, I cannot enclose our photos here, because you know, my youngest brother, Irfan, deleted them. I had not kept them yet in the camera. Here I give you some photos of Irfan’s birthday. We celebrated it by having lunch together. 3 big fishes for us. And we had hot chili sauce to eat with roasted fish. Hm... yummy!
         How about your activity this semester? You’re in class Ninth, right? I want to know about Victoria. I want to be your pen pal, so I can improve my English, and you can improve your Indonesian Language, too.
Okey, that’s all for hearing from you. Send my love to your mom and grandma. Bye!

Your pen pal,


19.   The writer’s purpose of writing this letter is ... .
a.   to go to Victoria         
b.   to have a pen pal
c.   to tell her experience
d.   to get a photo
20.   Where is Emilia Augustine studying now?
a.   In a Senior High school
b.   In a Junior High School         
c.   In a University
d.  In a College
21.   Which is the following statements is incorect based on the text?
a.   Emilia Agustine live in Victoria.
b.   Emilia want to improve her English
c.   Mirda and Emilia met in Ragunan Zoo.
d.   Mirda give Emilia photos of her birthday.

This text is for  22 to 26
Takatuliang, the Woodcarver

            Long, long time ago on the island of Simbau, in the Sulawesi Sea, there lived a king and his beautiful daughter. The princess was not only beautiful, but she was also wise and kind.
            Many princes wanted to marry the king’s daughter and this made the king confused. He, then announced a contest: whoever presented the princess with the most valuable gift would marry her.
            Takatuliang, a poor woodcarver, wanted to join the contest but he was so poor that he had nothing to present. Then, he went far into the forest. There he chose the best tree and carved it into a doll. Next, he took an old piece of cloth and sewed into a dress for the doll. After that, he cut his own hair and glued it to the doll’s head.
            On the day of the contest, all the princes gathered before the king and the princess. One by one, they presented their gifts: diamonds, silk, gold, jewlry. Then came Takatuliang’s turn.
‘What do you have?’ asked the princess.
‘I bring only a doll,’ said Takatuliang softly.
‘How many dolls like this do you have?’ asked the princess again.
‘Only this one. I carved it myself and decorated it with my own hair and my father’s old cloth. He died and this is the only thing he left me,’ answered Takatuliang.
                 The princess was very touched to hear Takatuliang’s story. She decided to marry Takatuliang because he presented her everything he had. Together, Takatuliang and the princess lived happily ever after.

22.   What is Takatuliang?
a.   a name of a poor woodcarver
b.   a name of an island in Sulawesi       
c.   a name of a king in Simbau island
d.   a name of a princess in Sulawesi Sea
23.   The following statements are right, except ... .
a.   The princess was very beautiful and generous
b.   Takatuliang made a doll of his own to present to the princess.
c.   Many princes came to propose the king’s daughter.
d.   The princess didn’t accept Takatuliang to be her husband.
24.   “After that, he cut his own hair and glued it to the doll’s head.” (paragraph 3) The underlined word refers to... .
a.    Woodcarver
b.    Valuable gift
c.    Piece of clothes
d.    Takatuliang’s hair
25.   What is the main idea of paragraph III?
a.   The princess decided to Marry Takatuliang
b.   All the princes wanted to marry the princess
c.   All the contestants presented their gift for the princess
d.   Takatuliang carved and decorated the doll himself
26.   “He, then announced a contest”.
The underlined word means ... .
a.   Competition
b.   Information    
c.   Invitation
d.    Exhibition      

Read this text and answer questions 27 to 30

Last week Mr. Imam, his wife and his daughters had a picnic. They went to Sanur beach and Kuta beach. They left by car at four in the afternoon. Mr. Imam drove his car carefully. They arrived at Sanur at six o’clock in the evening. Then they went to a motel near the beach. They spent the night in the motel.
The next day they went to Sanur beach. They went there on foot because the motel isn’t more than a kilometer from the beach. They started to go there early in the morning because they wanted to see the beautiful sunrise. After the sun rose they enjoyed other activities. Mr. Imam and his wife looked at the painting in a small gallery. Their children Warti and Ningsih enjoyed a boat trip. They were very glad because they had never done it before. At ten o’clock they went to the motel. They stayed and had lunch there.
At four in the afternoon, they left the motel to go to the Kuta beach. They went there by car. Then they walked a long the sea shore. They saw what some foreign tourists were doing there. Some of them laying on the sand and had a message others rode a motorcycle or surfing. Warti and Ningsih enjoyed it very much. They also played in the water and swam. They spent two hours on the beach.

27.   Why did Mr. Imam and his family go to Sanur beach early in the morning?
a.   They wanted to enjoy the Kuta and Sanur beaches.
b.   They were eager to enjoy the sunrise.
c.   They got bored to stay at their motel.
d.   They walked o the beach hurriedly.
28.   .. They were very glad because they had never done it before . What does the word ‘it’  refer to?
a.   Travelling by boat
b.   Staying at the motel.
c.   Spending two hours on the beach.
d.   Watching foreign tourists laying on the sand.
29.   They saw what some foreign tourists were doing there.       The underlined word in this sentence means ….
a.   Tourist in Kuta beach.
b.   Some visitors enjoying the beach.
c.   A person walking along the seashore.
d.   Persons who are coming from other countries.
30.   What is the main idea of paragraph III?
a.   Their activities in Kuta Beach.
b.   Foreign tourists activities.
c.   Playing in water and swam.
d.    Walking along the seashore

This text is for 31 to 34

        Net.content : 60 ml
Growing children , prevention/ treatment of vitamins and calcium deficiency, disorders of growths in bones and teeth, convalescence, during pregnancy and lactation
Children under 6 years         
: ½ - 1 teaspoonfull thrice daily
Adult and children above 6 years  :
1 teaspoonfull  thrice daily
Or as directed by the physician
Manucfatured by:
Bandung -Indonesia
31.   The text tells us about the information of... .
a.   Dosage
b.   Indications
c.   Vitamin for growth
d.   Placing away from light
32.   For adult and children above 6 years  take ... teaspoonfull a day?
a.   1
b.   2
c.   3
d.   4
33.   From the text we know that....
a.   The pregnant and lactation is good to take this syrup
b.   It can disorder of growths of bones and teeth
c.   We let the syrup opened after using it
d.    We can give this syrup for infants
34.   “ Or as directed by the physician
a.   Nurse
b.   Doctor
c.   Scientist
d.   Physicist

19 Oct. 2010
Dear Johan,

I told you that I was going to England, but actually I was heading for Scotland. I applied for a job and I went for an interview yesterday. The manager and the factory supervisor interviewed me. At first I found it difficult to understand them but I managed to answer all their questions. I’ll know on Friday before I return whether I got a job or not.

Tomorrow I plan to go to the National Museum of Scotland, the Palace of Holy Roodhouse that’s the Queen’s residence when she’s in Scotland.
I’m going to spent a few more days here enjoying the city which I hope will become my home for the next few years.

I’ll ring you when I hear something about my job on Friday.

35.      Where is Pieter writing the letter from?
a.    Edinburgh.
b.    Scotland.
c.     England.
d.    His home.

36.         From the text we can conclude that … .
a.    Peter will call his friend after getting a job
b.    Peter hopes to stay in Edinburgh for a few days
c.     the result of interview will be known on Friday
d.    Peter’s purpose to Edinburgh to see National Museum

37.         “… I was heading for Scotland.” The underlined phrase has same meaning as … .
a.    living in
b.    going to
c.     staying in
d.    moving to

This text is for 38 to 42

Durian is classified  as Durio zibethinus. It is native to Southeast Asia. Durian is known as”King of Fruit”. It is not only the most expensive fruit but also the most controversial fruit. It is only fruit which banned from airlined cabins, hotels and some public transport.
The durian tree is large and very tall. It can grow up to 25-50 meters and it has green elliptic leaves. A durian tree usually can bear  fruit after four or five years. The durian fruit, which can hang from any branches, matures in about tree months after pollination. The fruit can grow 30 centimeters long and 15 centimeters in diameters. The husk is covered with sharp thorns. The color of the husk ranges from green to brown. The flesh is pale yellow. It  is very soft but not juicy. When it is ripe, it tastes sweet and smells very strong.
            Durian contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, and potassium. Durian is also a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Durian is usually eaten fresh. Sometimes it is also cooked to make “dodol” or jam.
            Durian used to be grown from seed, but now it is propagated by grafting.

38.   What does this text tell us about?
a.   To describe about durian.
b.   To tell about the taste of durian.
c.   To explain how to choose good durian.
d.   To show that durian is “The King of Fruit”.
39.   Why is durian call as “King of Fruit”? Because
a.   It is native to  Southeast Asia
b.   It is the most expensive and controversial fruit.
c.   It contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, and potassium
d.   It is banned from airlined cabins, hotels and some public transport.
40.   What is the main idea of paragraph II?
a.   The native of durian tree
b.   The size of the durian fruit
c.   The content of the flesh of durian
d.   The phycical descriptions of durian
41.   A durian tree usually can bear fruit after four or five years. The underlined word has the same meaning as the word...
a.   Produce
b.   Harvest
c.   Plant
d.   Grow
42.   Which is the characteriscic of the ripe durian?
a.   It grows 30 cms long and 15 cms in diameters
b.   The color of the husk is green to brown.
c.   It tastes sweet and smells very strong.
d.   The husk is covered with sharp thorns.

For numbers 43 to 46, choose the best options to complete the text.
          One of the rarest animal in the world is rhinoceros. It is a wild big animal. The rhinoceros we saw last was the one in Ujung Kulon conservation, West Java. It is about 3.5 meters (43) .....  and it weights about 3500 kilograms.
            The rhinoceros has only one horn (44) .....  its nose. The horn is often used to (45) ..... himself from any danger or to survive. When attacking, the rhino lowers its head,snorts, breaks into a gallop reaching speed of 30 miles an hour and strikes powerful blows with its (46) ..... .
43.   a.  Tall                  c. wide
 b. Long                 d. large
44.   a.  As        b. On   c. Beside          d. under
45.   a.  Hide                 c. prepare
b.  protect             d. run away
46.   a.   Horn               c. nose
b.   skin                 d. mouth
47.   Arrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence!
        withmayyoubehappiness always
          1          2          3        4           5               6
a.   5 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 3
b.   3 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 5
c.   4 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 6 
d.   2 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 3

48.   Arrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence!
 who – two – there – once – lions – lived –
    1         2         3           4           5           6
together –  were
                7              8
a.   2 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 8 – 3
b.   2 – 5 – 8  - 6 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 3
c.   4 – 3 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 7
d.   4 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 7

For question 49 and 50, arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
49.   Arrange the sentences into good paragraph
1.   The message was,”James loves Leony”
2.   It was almost dark when he reached the top of the mountain.
3.   He said goodbye to his friends and began climbing a 2.000 feet local mountain.
4.   Jame’s adventure began on Friday afternoon.
5.  He signed his name on a rock and wrote a message on a tree to his girl friend.
4 – 3 – 2 -  5 – 1
4 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 1
4 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1
4      – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1
50.   Arrange the sentences into good paragraph
1.   Take the cooked noodle from boiling water and drain it.
2.   Instant noodle is ready to be served.
3.   Boil two glasses of water, add noodles, stir slowly for 3 minutes.
4.   Sprinkle fried crispy onion.
5.   While the noodle is being cooked, put all seasoning in a plate.
6.   Put the cooked noodle into the plate with seasoning, mix well.
a.   3 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 2
b.   5 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2
c.   3 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2
3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6

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